Global Distributive Justice
My primary research interest is global distributive justice. He is interested in justifications and critiques of the profound gulf that separates the world’s affluent from those who live in extreme poverty.
The Ethics of Philanthropy
The tough ethical puzzles that philanthropy poses is one of my long standing interests. I am particularly interested in the politics and ethics of philanthropic foundations.
Resistance to Injustice
Dr. Blunt’s recent work has focussed on whether individuals have the right to resist intransigent injustice. He has argued that the right of resistance is a fundamental human right. If this were not the case rights would merely be rhetoric.
Republicanism and domination
His approach to issues of justice is informed by the republican conception of domination as arbitrary power. He differentiates himself from other republican theorists by focussing on systemic and impersonal forms of domination.